Pest Solutions – Why Accurate Pest Identification Is Essential to Effective Pest Management

Pest Solutions provides comprehensive green pest management services. These services include environmental modifications, reducing food, water, and garbage sources, and minimizing moisture areas in and around structures. Preventative applications of a residual insecticide like Supreme IT can also provide ongoing control. Contact Apex Pest Solutions now!

Pests carry a number of disease-causing microorganisms and can cause serious health issues in both residential and commercial settings. They may bite, leave droppings, or chew through wires.

Whether you are dealing with insects, weeds, diseases, or vertebrates (birds, mammals), accurate pest identification is essential to effective pest management. This is particularly true when it comes to Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM is a preventive approach to pest control that relies on a combination of cultural practices, habitat modifications, physical controls and targeted use of minimally toxic chemical agents. Successful IPM often depends on field scouting, which requires careful observation of pest populations and the environment in order to determine what is happening and when. Accurate pest identification is an important step in this process because management methods can vary widely between pests and because some symptoms may resemble those of other problems.

Practicing good pest identification involves becoming familiar with a pest’s biology and life cycle, habitat requirements, time of occurrence and reproduction habits. This information is critical to the development of a successful IPM program because it can help you select the least-toxic controls that will work best for your situation. For example, if you find a caterpillar on your apple trees and identify it as the forest tent caterpillar, you can control the infestation with a product labeled for this specific pest. If you find a caterpillar on your chrysanthemum plants and identify it as the beet armyworm, you may not have much luck controlling the problem with a general insecticide because the beet armyworm will probably develop resistance to such products.

In addition, you should also be able to distinguish one species from another by looking at features such as coloration, wings, the shape and size of the eggs, or specific spots, dots or lines on the pest’s body. Take a picture of the pest, then compare it to photos on the Internet or in an insect identification book to make sure you have the correct species in mind.

Pest prevention is the most effective way to control pests, and starts with identifying the conditions that attract them. This includes reducing food sources, water sources and shelter, fixing leaky faucets, keeping the landscape neatly maintained and eliminating clutter and leaf litter. It also includes addressing soil conditions that allow pests to thrive. If all else fails, then a green pest solution may be appropriate to eliminate the unwanted pests and prevent them from returning.

Pest Prevention

Pests are more than unwelcome visitors; they can contaminate food, trigger allergies or asthma, ruin clothing and furniture, and cause fires by chewing through wires. They are also difficult to get rid of once they have established a foothold. That’s why preventative measures are so important. By implementing these best practices, you can reduce the risk of pests entering your facility or home and causing damage.

The first step in preventing pests is to remove sources of food, water and shelter. Keep trash receptacles and compost bins tightly closed and remove them regularly. Store foods in sealed containers and wipe down counters and surfaces regularly to eliminate crumbs that attract pests. Seal cracks and crevices where pests could enter and make sure your door sweeps are working properly. Clean air conditioning filters to avoid moisture buildup in your home, and ensure drains are free of clogs that can attract pests.

Establishing an integrated pest management (IPM) program is one of the best ways to prevent pests. IPM involves monitoring pest populations and using non-chemical controls when possible. These methods include physical, cultural and biological control, with the use of pesticides reserved for specific applications that may be needed according to established guidelines. This method is effective in urban, agricultural, wildland and natural areas.

In addition to pest prevention measures, maintaining a healthy plant helps reduce the risks of infestation. This includes proper nutrient management, keeping plant material away from foundations and walls, and maintaining an insecticide program to prevent insects from becoming predators of beneficial insects.

Taking these steps can help reduce your risk of a pest problem and protect you, your family or employees from the many dangers that they can bring. When you do need pest control, working with a reputable company like Safeguard will ensure that only the most effective treatments are used. If you’re ready to get started preventing pests, contact us today for more information about our services and how we can help you protect what matters most!

Pest Control

Pests can wreak havoc in your home, destroy your crops and ruin your yard. Their presence can also bring health risks. For instance, rats can gnaw on electrical wires and transmit diseases like hantavirus and leptospirosis. In addition, their droppings can contaminate food. Fortunately, you can prevent pests from causing damage by taking the necessary steps to keep them out of your property.

Preventing pests mainly involves removing their food, water and shelter. You can accomplish this by regularly removing garbage, sealing food in containers and making sure there are no leaks in your home. You can also install door sweeps and weather stripping to seal openings where pests could enter your house. This type of pest control is called physical control and can be very effective against rodents.

Some of the best ways to prevent pests are by using chemicals. The most common chemical solution is to spray your house with a pesticide that kills or repels the pests. While this option has a high risk for harming nontarget organisms, professional pest control services take special care to minimize these risks.

Another method of preventing pests is by changing the environment to make it less hospitable. This can include crop rotation, planting resistant varieties and adjusting irrigation practices. It can also involve introducing organisms that are natural predators or parasites of the pest. Examples of these organisms are mycoplasmas, nematodes and Bt bacteria.

Other methods of preventing pests include sanitation, habitat modification and cultural control. Sanitation practices can help reduce pest problems by improving cleanliness and reducing the spread of disease. This can include using sanitary food handling practices, storing produce in the refrigerator and removing trash regularly. In agricultural settings, the use of resistant crop varieties and adjusting the planting date can help reduce pests.

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a holistic approach to pest control that considers prevention, monitoring and suppression as well as eradication. In IPM, pesticides are used only when monitoring indicates that they are needed according to established guidelines and when their application will cause the least harm to people and the environment. This method is especially important for enclosed environments, such as dwellings; schools and offices; health care, food processing and storage facilities; and landscape and garden areas.


Pesticides are chemical compounds or biological agents that destroy, control, or repel unwanted plants, animals, weeds, microbes, or diseases. They are a key component of modern agriculture, and are used to manage pests that interfere with production, storage, transportation, sale or use of food crops, animal products, wood, or timber, or damage structures such as homes or businesses. Pesticides are generally categorized as biodegradable, which can be broken down naturally by living organisms into harmless compounds, or persistent, which take months or even years to break down.

When using any pesticide, be sure to read the product label and follow all instructions carefully. Always wear proper clothing and protective equipment, including gloves and eye protection. Apply chemicals only in the area they were intended for, and never allow them to drift beyond where they are needed. Keep children and pets away from spray areas, and be sure to wash your hands and arms after handling pesticides. Whenever possible, choose nonchemical methods to eliminate or reduce pests.

If you decide to use pesticides, always apply the lowest amount possible to minimize toxicity to humans, other animals, or the environment. Select the type of pesticide that is designed to treat your specific problem, and avoid those requiring repeated applications. Keep in mind that many pesticides have side effects, some of which can be severe. Choose an insecticide that is least toxic to mammals, and be particularly careful when applying any pesticide in indoor spaces occupied by infants, small children, or elderly or sick people.

It is also a good idea to consider using pesticides only in locations where a spill or a runoff can be easily contained. Avoid spraying in windy weather, and be sure to rinse application equipment thoroughly after each use. If you must apply a liquid or dust pesticide indoors, do so in a well-ventilated area and make sure the air is not blowing toward any windows or doors. Do not store or dispose of any pesticides in areas where a leak or a drip could contaminate surface or groundwater.

When hiring someone to apply a pesticide, be sure they are licensed and insured, and request their EPA registration number in case you have any questions. Ask them to describe the method of application and to list any areas where a spray might drip or spill.

Preventive and Controlling Pest Solutions

Using preventive measures is the best way to keep pests away. Eliminate sources of food, water and shelter. Store garbage in tightly-sealed containers and remove it regularly. Caulk cracks and crevices and fill holes with steel wool.

Chemical pest control treatments can be safe if used properly. Use sprays sparingly, particularly around areas where family members touch. Click to learn more.

Many pest problems can be prevented with a comprehensive approach that includes environmental modification and preventative pesticide applications. This is known as Integrated Pest Management, or IPM. Integrated Pest Management has been proven to slash pest removal costs by one-third and reduce pest complaints by 90 percent.

Denying pests food, water and shelter is the first step to controlling them. This means cleaning up crumbs and food scraps, storing foods in sealed containers, removing trash regularly, and fixing leaky plumbing. It also means minimizing vegetation that may creep toward the home, such as weeds and brush. Rodents, ants, termites and other pests use these areas as highways to gain entry into homes.

In addition to denying pests the things they need to thrive, it is important to perform regular inspections to detect problem areas and correct them before they become an infestation. Inspecting a structure’s exterior for cracks and crevices, observing if there is standing water around the building, and checking the condition of the foundation, siding and roof should be done at least twice per year.

Another part of prevention involves learning about a specific pest’s life cycle and habits. This helps you spot and predict problem periods, such as egg hatching and larval development. It also enables you to apply strategies that can disrupt the pest’s cycle, such as spraying vinegar solutions on ant trails or spreading diatomaceous earth around baseboards.

A thorough pest assessment of a property should also include the establishment of a monitoring program. This includes keeping records of pest activity, identifying potential entry points and making recommendations for corrections. A comprehensive pest control plan includes monitoring and treatment programs for both exterior and interior pests as well as preventative maintenance services like mowing, raking, leaf blowing, and trimming shrubs and bushes around the house.

The most effective way to keep pests out of your facility is to work with a licensed pest control operator to develop a comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. The goal is to use the fewest number of pesticides necessary to provide adequate pest control. This includes using a combination of methods such as habitat modification, limiting access to food and water, preventing food contamination, and training employees on good sanitation practices.


Pest problems can be managed using a variety of techniques. Preventive measures are economical and environmentally responsible, and they reduce the conditions that foster pest infestations and damage. Frequently cleaning areas where pests are likely to live prevents them from settling in the first place. Suppression methods restrict pest activity and population growth to manage existing pest infestations. Pesticides are used only when monitoring indicates that they are needed according to established guidelines.

Biological control involves the use of natural enemies, such as predators, parasites and pathogens, to injure or consume pests and control their populations. In addition to being safe for people, plants and the environment, these organisms are often better adapted to local environments than pesticides. However, biological controls require significant investment in research to understand the biology of a target pest and the environmental factors that influence its occurrence. Once suitable natural enemies are found they must be collected, passed through a quarantine process to ensure that no unintended negative consequences occur, reared to an appropriate size and released at a site where they can successfully colonize and control the target pest.

Chemical pesticides are often easier to find and more effective than biological controls. They may also work faster, delivering instant results. Examples of chemicals include repellents, which deter pests from entering an area, and insecticides, which kill the pests. However, some chemical solutions are also harmful to people and the environment upon exposure and must be carefully applied.

Cultural and mechanical controls directly influence the number of pests by changing the habitat in which they thrive. These practices can include modifying irrigation to limit the amount of water available for plant growth and by removing or altering soil conditions that encourage pests. Alternatively, they can involve physical trapping or blocking pests from entering or exiting an area.

Regulatory control methods, including quarantine and eradication programs, address severe pest problems that threaten human health and safety or damage valuable crops or natural resources. These programs are usually coordinated by state or federal agencies. For example, NMSU has several pest management specialists who can help you understand how to use various prevention and suppression methods.


When pest problems become so severe that they threaten your home, you may need to eradicate them. This generally requires a combination of physical, biological, and chemical techniques. For example, a few wasps visiting your yard once in a while probably doesn’t warrant any action at all; however, if you see them daily and in increasing numbers, they likely pose a real threat to your family or pets, and it’s time to locate and destroy the nest.

The eradication process usually involves some level of pesticide application, but this should be limited as much as possible to protect the environment and other wildlife. A professional can apply a broad spectrum insecticide to the problem areas, which should quickly eliminate most or all of the pests. They can also use baits, which will kill only the target pests without harming other insects and animals.

In addition to these general methods, there are many other ways you can help control pests in your garden and around the house. For instance, if you have a problem with fruit flies, try storing food in sealed plastic containers (tupperware and the like). If ants are a major nuisance, sprinkling baking soda around the area will repel them. You can also deter mosquitoes by spraying your lawn and flower beds with a homemade mixture made from mint, lavender, citronella, or other strongly-scented oils.

A few of the larger pest control companies that specialize in residential services include Arrow Pest Control, Truly Nolen, and Ehrlich Pest Control (formerly JC Ehrlich). They all offer extensive preventive treatment options for standard bugs, rodents, and even bedbugs. They all have excellent reviews and ratings on Google, TrustPilot, and the Better Business Bureau. Most also offer a satisfaction guarantee and competitive pricing. They are all licensed, insured, and bonded.


Monitoring is the practice of checking or scouting to determine what pest species are present, how many and how much damage they are doing and whether control tactics need to be applied. This can be done by individuals or by enlisting employees, students, volunteers or other stakeholders to act as your eyes and ears. For example, plant disease organisms are often triggered by specific environmental conditions, so knowing what these are allows us to anticipate their appearance and begin management activities before the problem gets out of hand.

This can be an ongoing effort, with sampling occurring over the entire season or growing period as part of a regular scouting program. If the pest population reaches an action threshold and the damage caused is unacceptable, suppression tactics can be implemented by using IPM strategies or chemical treatments.

In addition, ongoing monitoring can help prevent pest problems from getting out of hand. For example, continuous pests such as weeds can be controlled with a combination of cultural and mechanical means to keep them from overtaking desirable plants. Ongoing monitoring can also alert us to a potential pest problem, such as the first signs of a termite infestation, which can be addressed by installing wood-destroying insect monitors and deploying predatory insects.

Similarly, with rodents, monitoring can be used to alert us of the type and severity of pressure, from where pests are coming into the facility or property, and when an action threshold has been reached. This can be accomplished through glueboards, multiple catch traps and bait stations that are augmented with pheromones or attractants.

While there are cost savings to be realized with some remote pest monitors – like less time spent on empty traps – it is important to use them appropriately and in conjunction with a trained eye. Otherwise, they can create a false sense of security or complacency that results in missed introductions and failure to meet your pest prevention requirements. Your trusted pest control partner can help you to determine how best to balance the pros and cons of these new technologies.